In this page are my top ten Athletes that have ever existed in my opinion and my opinion only
you have a chance to vote for the no.10 spot at the end of this page! so let your voice be heard |

No. 1
JACKIE ROBINSON- He was the worlds greatest baseball player in all of history. He broke the color barriers in the Major leagues by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers and proved that a player by any color can be the best with heart, determination and GAME.
Number 2
Michael Jordan- Your air greatness made my list because not only is he in my mind the best Athlete to ever play the Game of Basketball, but also has proven that to be one of the greatest you don't need to have an ego to match your game. To watch Mike Jordan live is the most exciting time you will ever have, because you never know what's he gonna come up with next. |
No. 3
LOU GEHRIG- was not one of the most popular baseball players, because he played most of his career in the shadow of Babe Ruth, and though I never personally got to see him live he was certainly one of my most favorite athletes, because you will never hear more heart warming stories about any other athlete than Lou Gehrig. He redefined the term Athlete, turning it into more than just a show. |
No. 4
MICKEY MANTEL- there aren't words to describe exactly how good Mickey was. He struggled alot during his career yet always managed to keep playing the game he loved. Mickey won 7 World Series. |
No. 5
MIKE BIBBY- ofcourse Mike would make my list I belive he will become one of the best in basketball history once everything is said and done. He is what all basketball players should be today. To watch Mike Bibby live is to truly know your in the presence of basketball history! |
No 6
ALEX RODRIGUEZ- A-Rod is the shortstop for the Texas Rangers, and is truly becoming one of the best in baseball. He proves that you can have both looks and game, and he never lets hype get to his head. At 26 A-rod is only begining, and isn't planning on stopping quiet yet. |
No. 7.
VENUS WILLIAMS- she has truly been living proof that a girl can make it in sports. She knows how to play tennis and is a role model for young girls everywhere |
No. 8
LANDON DONOVAN- he has brought major leaugue soccer to the US and shows that soccer can be fun to watch. He plays the game with heart and believe me when I say that this is the most exhausting sport to ever be played |
No. 9
DEREK JETER- he is one of the most popular baseball players of all time but backs that up with good game. He shows he's got class and knows how to carry himself on the green. |
Have more suggestions e-mail me! results will be posted on August 9th