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Kings are 7-4
despite missing mike the kings are doing alright but I think that They would definitly have a better record although bobby jackson is doing good he is no Mike Bibby and i know i speak for all of his fans when i say that we will be waiting for his comeback. I guess you can see how this team is really a TEAM because despite having some of their best players injured at one time or another the kings havent collapsed, which is more than you can say about other so called "teams" in the NBA. For example the "champions" the Lakers have totally collapsed and have become vunerable to any team without Shaq. They have showed the NBA that wihtout Shaq there isn't a NBA "team" worth talking about in Los Angeles. That should tell you all about how they're built.
Mike Had Surgery!!!
Mike Had surgery on october 12, 2002 and came out with no complications from a leg surgery. This comes as a shock seeing how well Mike played in the first post-season game but things happen and hopefully Mike will be on the court better than ever playing his heart out like he always does. |
My thoughts on Mike and the Kings
Mike Bibby, 24, has proven to be a KEY player for the Sacramento Kings. I just want to make this clear, because I know that there are some people out there saying that while he played a good game he never really was a KEY player. That without Hedo Turkulu or Bobby Jackson this team would have not been what it is today. That I say is not true, not only because I am a huge fan of Bibby's but because it is absolutly ridiculous. Not only did Mike Bibby send them to the playoffs and the western conference finals, he also kept them on the map and got them the attention the Kings deserved. I say that while the Bech made a huge contrabution to the Kings, who's to say that any other player couldn't of with a team that plays so well together like the Kings? Finally if the Maloofs dont want to pay luxury tax and decide to trade a player I don't think that the Kings are "Doomed" and don't have a chance to go to the finals next year like most people say, because lets realize it the King's never got as far as they did before Mike got here,(having c-webb, christie, and Vlade) he might not have been the at his best during the regular season, maybe because this was his first year with the Kings or because he just didn't know what it took to play a good game until the stakes were high, either way now he knows and you can bet that for Mike the road only goes one way......up.
80 mil for 7-years
Could the 80 mil payday Mike is getting be the cause of that smile on his face?...okay maybe the picture was taken some time before the deal was made but hey I bet thats how he's lookin' now and days! Yeah it's not what he had originally planned to get ready for, but how many people can say that they're millionaires for doing what they love? a couple but not many love what they do like Mike does. He showed us in the playoffs that he deserves that 80 mil and more! Hopefully all his dreams are coming true like all of our Kings fans dreams already came true when he sined Mike Bibby next to the X, and agreed to stay with us for the long run. You won't regret it Mike! |
Mike Bibby Basketball Academy review
My 10-year old nephew who wishes to remain anonymous, because of his entire crew of Laker Fans! attended the Mike Bibby Basketball academy in A'zona and had this to say about the Academy: MB10:Was it too much? Nef:NO, NO they shoulda made us run more! MB10: Was it fun though?
Nef: yup, it was kool to see no.10, he was nice, he signed alot of autographs, I sold mine for ten bucks!!!!!! he talks too much!!!
MB10: who talks too much?
Nef: no.10, but i like his tattoo, i'm gonna get one just like his!!!
MB10: did you learn anything new?
Nef: not really but I met alot of people and liked playing the basketball
MB10: do you want to go back?
Nef: If my mom lets me
How popular is Mike after the playoffs?
If you live here in L.A., once you walk out the door you know exactly how popular Mike has gotten. Not only Kings fans love Mike, but also long time Laker fans too!! They realize how good this 24-year old is. I remember just yesterday sitting at Starbucks and hearing two girls and guys sitting just one table away from us talking about how it only took Mike one year to make the Kings his team, and I also heard a couple of "ohmygosh he is also soo hot" flying around. I thought about how just about a month ago if I had asked anybody who Mike Bibby was about 99% would respond 'huh?' (I just want to add that I attend USC and this being a school with a huge basketball fanbase not to mention Mike being the son of the USC boys B-ball head coach, still no one would know who the great Mike Bibby was, that is until the western conf. finals) After everything was said and done and as Mike developed into a NBA superstar in the finals, I heard about students going up to Henry Bibby (USC head coach) every 5 seconds asking About his now NBA star son Mike Bibby.
I don't think that there is a doubt in anyone's mind that from now on Mike will only become even more popular NBA SUPERstar and not just in California but around the world
