Mike Bibby 10
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Mike Bibby
was born on May 13,1978 in Cherryhill, New Jersey. He was raised by his mother Virginia Bibby. His father Hank Bibby left him and his family as a child to persude a NBA career, needless to say he never had the succes Mike has now. Hank Bibby is currently the head coach for one of the greatest schools in America, The University of Southern California (USC). Mike has two brothers,(Hank Bibby, Dane Flores)and two sisters,(). He currently lives with his longtime girlfriend Darcy Watkins and have two children Michael Dane, and Janae. A big part of his life are his friends, whom he calls 'TEAM DIME'. |
Mike's Favorites
Car: white Ferrari cartoon:Scooby-doo food: Roti Games: Spades, any sports games on PS2, especially NBA 2K2 on PS2 Gear: All jordan Gear. He is also part of the Team Jordan, sponsored by Micheal Jordan, who happens to be his all time favorite player along with Jason Kidd. Sports: basketball. baseball, and football. Movie: Rush Hour Music: hip-hop & R&B & Rap. He claims his favorite song is 'Baby don't cry' by tupac.
I've been asked lots of questions about mike and i'm taking this opportunity to answer em' here to the best of my knowledge so if you have a question e-mail me and i will answer it here and e-mail you the answer!
What is 'Team Dime' and how did it come to be? --well as told in Espn Team Dime is the group of friends and family members all those of Mike's. It's just like a group of friends. Mike's bro Dane came up with the name while Mike was playin' up in Vancouver and His friends came into the arena with him and one of Mikes teamates said when he saw them: "hey it's Team Bibby" then Dane said "no it's Team Dime" so the name just stuck. Dane's even got a patent on it.
What nationality is Mike?
---well as far as I know Mike doesn't talk about that and nobody but him and his family knows.
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